Adults typically have many things to keep track of. Between licenses, certifications, and certificates, many of these documents expire and thus require renewal.
Birth certificates are vital from the moment someone’s life begins. You’ll typically need to present this document at least several times, including for legal and medical purposes or to prove your identity.
However, do birth certificates expire? You’re about to find out. We’ll also cover what most people confuse with birth certificate expiration dates and how to get a certified copy of this essential piece of paper.
Understanding What Birth Certificates Are
Throughout the United States, local government agencies issue these documents each time someone is born.
For example, your birth certificate should contain:
- Your full name
- Your parents’ full names
- The city and county where you were born
You can use this document to verify your identity, apply for a passport, or get a driver’s license. Birth certificates are also required for legal and citizenship-related rights, which may include receiving benefits or proving your identity for inheritance purposes.
Do Birth Certificates Expire?
No. There’s no need to worry about the expiration date of a birth certificate in the United States. Unless you change your name through marriage, divorce, adoption, or a similar life event, your original birth certificate may never need changing. Birth certificates do not have an expiration date.
However, that’s not to say your original birth certificate will always be acceptable for every purpose. For example, you may need to present a copy of a newer document when applying for government benefits or a visa.
Understanding Outdated or Damaged Birth Certificates
It’s understandable to wonder, “Do birth certificates expire?” Thankfully, they don’t. However, some people may believe that this document expired after a certain period of time. What can also confuse people is when a government agency requires a copy of a recent birth certificate. While that happens, it doesn’t mean that your birth certificate expired. Instead, you only need to obtain a copy of the certified birth certificate that’s in optimal condition.
It’s easy to confuse birth certificate expiration dates with outdated certificates. An outdated birth certificate is one that no longer has relevant information.
Your birth certificate becomes outdated when you:
- Choose to change their first and/or last name
- Get married
- Get adopted
- Change your gender
- Need to add or edit a parent’s name
- Obtain a status adjustment to your citizenship
A similar situation is owning a birth certificate that’s in excessively worn condition. Unless stored professionally, documents like birth certificates can begin discoloring, warping, and sustaining other types of damage. If this piece of paper is excessively worn, it may not be acceptable to present.
An extensively damaged or old birth certificate, such as your original document, may have faded ink or damage in areas containing text. Unfortunately, fading and damage can make it difficult or impossible for humans or software to read and authenticate. That doesn’t mean you have an expired birth certificate. However, it can be deemed unusable.
Additionally, certain agencies may want to ensure your information is accurate by requesting a recent, certified copy of your birth certificate instead of the original document. An example of this requirement is often presenting a birth certificate issued within the past six months.
When It’s Necessary to Get a Certified Birth Certificate Copy
It’s often easier and faster for most people to get a certified copy of their birth certificate rather than hunting down the original one issued when they were born. Generally, you can present a certified copy of your birth certificate when you need to prove your identity.
Here are several examples when you’d likely need a certified birth certificate copy:
- Excessively damaged original birth certificate
- Applying for a visa or immigrating
- You legally changed your name
- Applying for a passport
Need a Certified Copy of Your Birth Certificate?
With worries about birth certificate expiration dates off your plate, knowing how to get a copy of this document might be another vital concern. If so, you’ll first need to decide whether you’ll obtain this document by yourself or have a company help with the majority of the time-consuming tasks required to obtain a certified birth certificate copy. At Vital Records Online, we are a trusted service for replacing birth certificate copies! Visit our Birth Certificate page to get started! We help to streamline the process. However, if you decide to get your birth certificate on your own, please follow the below steps.
The steps required to get a certified copy of this document include:
- Locate the vital records or public health department where you were born
- Gather supporting information required to receive your copy
- Complete all necessary forms and submit your payment
- Receive your certified copy
Do birth certificates expire? No. However, certain situations might make people think this document is out of date. It’s also understandable to assume your original piece of paper is expired when an agency requests a recent copy. Fortunately, being and remaining proactive about the status of your birth certificate can save you a lot of stress in the future.