Hyphenating Your Last Name After Marriage: Your Ultimate Guide

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Hyphenating your name after marriage

Wondering about hyphenating your last name after marriage? First of all—congrats on getting married! This is a momentous milestone that marks a significant chapter in your lives together, and changing your names is a major step in starting your journey together as a unified couple.

With all of the excitement, it can be easy to overlook the technical details. We’re happy to help! Follow this step-by-step guide to make your new hyphenated name official.

1. Hyphenating Your Last Name After Marriage: Start With Your Marriage License

Although your name won’t officially be changed until the marriage is finalized, you should notify the county clerk that you’ll be hyphenating your last name when you apply for your marriage license. That way, when you receive your marriage certificate after the wedding, you’ll have the required documentation to provide as proof that you changed your name.

2. Change Your Social Security Record

After the wedding, you’ll need to notify relevant government agencies of your name change. Getting a new Social Security card is a great place to start. You can fill out an application online or visit your local Social Security office.

Your Social Security number will remain the same—only your name will change. You’ll need to bring your certified marriage certificate as proof that you’re hyphenating your last name. You’ll also need a photo ID, your current Social Security card, and proof of residence/citizenship, such as a birth certificate or valid passport.

A major part of learning how to hyphen a last name is simply gathering all required documentation. If you’re missing any of your vital records, we can help. Our secure, hassle-free online platform makes it possible to obtain certified copies. We even offer all-inclusive services so you can expedite the process.

3. Replace Your ID

The next step is to get a new driver’s license or non-driver’s ID with your new name. It takes at least 24 hours after notifying the Social Security office that you’re hyphenating your last name for your records to be updated, so wait a day or two before heading over to the local DMV.

Requirements to replace your license or ID vary by state, so check with the DMV to make sure you have all of the required documents. If you don’t have a new Social Security card yet, you should be able to use a receipt from the Social Security office as proof in the meantime. Typically, you’ll also need proof of address, photo ID, and proof of your name change (marriage certificate).

4. Update Your Passport

If you plan on traveling overseas in the near future, a honeymoon, for example, you may wish to wait to change your passport after hyphenating your last name. The name(s) on your airplane tickets must match your passport, so plan your trip accordingly.

If you’re only wondering how to hyphen a last name for legal purposes, you may not need to update your passport immediately. However, it’s a good idea to get it out of the way so future travel plans aren’t interrupted.

5. Contact Financial Institutions

Next, you’ll need to inform banks, credit card companies, lenders, and any other relevant financial institutions of your name change. Requirements can vary widely, so contact each institution if you’re not able to simply update your name online.

6. Keep an Eye Out for Other Changes

After hyphenating your last name, you’ll inevitably run into other places where you’ll need to update your name. Here are some of the most common.

  • Social media accounts
  • Voter registration
  • IRS
  • Vehicle registration
  • Payroll/employer
  • USPS
  • Mortgage/landlord
  • Insurance providers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Subscriptions/rewards programs
  • State benefits programs

Get Your Vital Records Online

Changing your name—whether due to marriage, divorce, or any number of reasons—can be a daunting process. In order to navigate the next steps, you’re going to need your vital records. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you lost your records or wish to own backup copies, our secure online platform makes it possible to obtain the documents needed for hyphenating a last name officially. Simply fill out our fast and easy applications, and we’ll take care of the rest. Take advantage of expedited processing and shipping to officialize your name change as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about how to hyphen a last name, contact our support team. We’ll be happy to assist you with getting your documents together so you can enjoy a smooth, easy transition into your new life together. Order your vital records today so you’re ready for the next steps.